Lauren Marie

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Game Day Ritual Ideas [Pre-Game Football Rituals for Wives]

Each football season feels a little different. Whether it’s the team's makeup, the dynamic between the coaching staff, what’s happening at the school, or the rigor of the schedule, no two seasons are exactly alike. But every game day is big—full of heightened emotions, from excitement and anticipation to nerves and anxiety. There’s more at stake than just the outcome of the game. As a coach’s wife, I’m not just there to cheer from the sidelines—I’m there to do some emotional and logistical heavy lifting, too.

On top of being invested in the game and the outcome (and believe me, we all are!), there’s the emotional work of supporting a coach who manages the moods of so many others. And then there’s the logistical work: sporting school spirit, navigating the commute and parking, ensuring my daughter has snacks, socializing with the school community, and anticipating my coach’s needs throughout the day. It’s a lot. Every. Single. Time.

But over the years (and with therapy), I’ve learned that rituals help bring stability when things feel overwhelming. They give the day some structure and predictability and help me navigate everything with a little more ease. So, here’s a glimpse into my game day rituals—what keeps me grounded, energized, and in good spirits on the big day.

Morning Routine

Game day is long. It’s tiring, emotional, and sometimes a little chaotic. So, I try to start my day by not starting my day 😂 . I sleep as late as possible because I know I’ll need the energy for the long day ahead. Once I’m up, though? It’s go-time.

I lay out my clothes for the game. One important rule I’ve learned is not to wear anything during the day that’s going to mess up my hair and makeup when I change later. That means, no crewneck. You do not want to redo your makeup or hair before the game because it all got ruined when you pulled that sweatshirt over your head.

I also lay out backup clothes for my coach—just in case he forgets something or needs a wardrobe change. Trust me, this happens more often than you’d think! I like to match whatever colors the team and staff are wearing, and I always add a personal touch. Maybe it’s a pair of earrings with our last name initial, a sweatshirt with his photo on it (yes, I’m that wife), or a bracelet with his name on it. These little touches keep me connected to him, even when the day gets hectic.

Then, I caffeinate. I get my morning going with matcha from Starbucks. (I know, I know. I’m one of those people. But it works!)

Game Day Essentials

I’ve already covered what I pack in my game day bag in a previous blog post (and you can check it out here), but let me give you the highlights. My bag is always packed with essentials: snacks, sunglasses, and a jacket—because you never know when it’s going to get cold once the sun goes down.

During our work day, we take our lunch break to have a FaceTime call. It’s our little ritual. We talk about our days, and I ask him how he’s feeling about the game. It’s a quick check-in that keeps us connected before the madness of game day begins.

If my daughter is coming with me, we grab Chick-fil-A and snack and chat on the long drive. It’s a nice way to settle into the game-day groove without feeling rushed.

Arriving at the Game

Once I arrive at the game, it’s all about greeting the familiar faces. I park and make the rounds—saying hi to staff, parents, coaches wives, and alumni. As much as the introvert in me would rather head straight to my game-watching post, I know it’s important to maintain those connections and to set a positive tone for the night.

Then I seek out my coach. We always hug, kiss, and pray before the game. It’s our moment to reset and center ourselves. Then, since I manage the team’s social media page, I gather some pre-game footage and get it posted before kickoff.

Because I stand on the sidelines during the game, I find my preferred spot early. It has to be a spot with even footing (no one wants to twist an ankle on game day!), not too far from my family in the stands, and away from the biggest crowd. That way, I’m close enough to the action but still in my own little bubble.

The pre-game atmosphere is electric. Music, laughter, snacks—it’s all there. It’s one of my favorite parts of the day. I usually just take a moment to bask in it before the real action begins.

During the Game

When the game starts, my job is a mix of cheerleader and social media manager. I’m on the sidelines, clapping, yelling, and cheering the team on. And sometimes, when the game is close, I flinch or cover my eyes. (Yes, even coach’s wives get anxious!)

I’m also updating the score on our social media page throughout the game. During halftime, I take a breather. I hit the snack bar for some candy (you gotta have game day candy), use the restroom, and grab a coat if it’s chilly. I’ll also chat with my family and anyone I didn’t get to greet before the game.

By the start of the third quarter, I’m back on the field, ready for a quick check-in with my coach if he needs it. And a pro tip for staying comfortable during the game: always keep chapstick in your pocket. Something about yelling and being outside dries your lips out fast.

Post-Game Routine

Once the final whistle blows, I post the score on social media. Then, I wait while the coach and players shake hands with the other team. If they win, my husband gives a congratulatory speech to the boys and lets them greet their families. That’s when we sneak in a quick family photo.

If they lose, it’s a different story. My husband takes the boys to the locker room and—well, let’s just say there’s some “constructive feedback” happening. I’ll usually stick around if I drive myself, waiting for him to finish so we can leave at the same time.

The drive home is our decompression time. He vents, I listen, and I offer a mix of encouragement, insight, or congratulations—depending on the outcome of the game. Then, I insist that he rest when we get home (spoiler: he rarely listens).

The next day, after film, we’ll go to lunch and talk through everything that happened. It’s like a post-mortem for game day, wrapping up any loose ends or final thoughts. Then, he “flushes it” (his words) and finally gets some rest. As for me? I catch up on sleep Saturday night, after keeping an eye on him for the bulk of the day.

Why Rituals Matter

My game-day rituals keep me grounded. They help me feel less overwhelmed by the chaos, and they keep me connected to both my family and the team. Sure, it’s a lot of work, but these rituals give the day structure and meaning. They remind me that I’m part of something bigger—not just the game itself, but the community, the family, and the team.

So, if you’re a coach’s wife (or just a football fan), I encourage you to find your own game-day rituals. They don’t have to be big or fancy—they just need to work for you.

Game Day Ritual Suggestions You Can Try:

  1. Start with a Morning Routine

  2. Add a Personal Touch to Your Outfit

  3. Pre-Game Check-In

  4. Pack Your Essentials

  5. Find Your Sideline Spot

  6. Half-Time Ritual

  7. Post-Game Routine

  8. Reflect and Recap

If you want more behind-the-scenes glimpses of my game-day life, join me on Instagram!

See this gallery in the original post