Visiting the Butterfly Pavilion

Being a mom, professional, wife, and just all-around millennial woman, I often get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and to-do lists. But, now and then, a nice family outing reminds me of the importance of slowing down and cherishing life’s precious moments together. Recently, my family kickstarted the summer with a visit to the Butterfly Pavilion at the Natural History Museum. And friends, it was nothing short of magical.

Now. It wasn’t magical for everyone, nor magical from start to finish. But it had some pretty magical moments… for me! (That’s how family outings go, am I right?!) On Saturday morning, with it already being 85 degrees at 10 AM, my daughter, my husband, my mom, my sister, and I piled into the car, in as little clothing as socially acceptable, and set out for the Natural History Museum. Traffic, a lack of parking, and an exhausted museum employee greeted us. With there being timed entry for the Natural History Museum, we had time to spare before our butterfly appointment. So we wandered through Exposition Park’s Rose Garden.

We oooh-ed and ahhh-ed, sniffed and ogled, and took photos of and with all of the beautiful roses. After about an hour, it was time for our butterfly appointment. We were so excited! And by we, I mean everyone but my husband because apparently, he hates bugs… and apparently butterflies count as bugs 🤷‍♂️. We showed the attendant our tickets and were ushered into a waiting area. We received instructions about how to attract, handle, and leave the butterflies. We were then escorted into a private and enclosed garden where butterflies fluttered around euphorically.

Friends. They were beautiful! There were so many different sizes and patterns. They flew up to and around us, even landing on my daughter’s leg and my back and knee at one point. And that’s when my daughter was done for. I turned around, preparing to discuss the butterflies’ hiding spots and my daughter and husband were heading toward the exit. After 5 minutes! My daughter said she thought the butterflies would be in some sort of clear case and we’d just look at them. And my husband reminded me that they’re bugs.

I stayed around and marveled at their flight patterns, food choices, and methods of selecting which humans to land on. It was such an adorable experience!

Once I reunited with my husband and daughter, we made our way into the Museum. We checked out the “Becoming LA”, “Dino Exhibit”, and museum gift shop. We then journeyed back to the car and grabbed burgers and fries at The Habit Burger Grill where we laughed hysterically at each of our different reactions to the butterflies.

The Importance of Family Activities

Family outings like these are more than just a fun escape; they’re needed to strengthen our relationships and create lasting bonds. In the aftermath of my recent marriage, the loss of my father, and apartment move, it’s easy to lose sight of family time. But these shared experiences help us connect and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Plus, the shared laughter and discoveries make for incredible memories that we’ll cherish forever.

Plus, it was a fantastic educational experience. We learned about different butterfly species, their life cycles, and their role in our ecosystem. We were fascinated by the metamorphosis displays and left with a deeper appreciation for these beautiful creatures.

Planning and Coordination

Now, I know what you’re thinking – organizing a family outing with a packed schedule sounds like an intimidating task. But trust me, it’s doable and worth it. Here’s how I manage to plan fun family outings even with our busy schedules.

1. Monthly Planning: At the beginning of each month, I consult Timeout LA and my wishlist of activities to see what’s happening in our area. This helps me stay informed about the best events and attractions.

2. Calendar Coordination: Next, I look at my calendar to identify weekends when my daughter is with me (since I co-parent). I aim to plan one activity on Friday and one on Saturday, leaving Sunday for rest and weekly preparation. This keeps our schedule balanced and ensures we don’t overcommit our time or funds.

3. Family Involvement: I always involve my husband and daughter in the planning process. Once I have a list of potential activities, I check in with them to confirm that the dates work for everyone and that they’re interested in the activity.

4. Confirmation and Preparation: Two weeks before the event, I reconfirm interest and availability with my family. If we’re all set, I move forward with the final preparations: researching the venue, buying tickets if necessary, and picking out our outfits. This step helps us avoid any last-minute surprises and ensures we’re ready to enjoy the day.

5. Flexibility: Life happens, and sometimes our plans need to change. If our availability or interests shift, I simply move the activity to another date. Flexibility is key to keeping family outings enjoyable rather than stressful.

By following this approach, I’ve found that organizing family outings becomes much more manageable and a lot less stressful. It allows us to enjoy quality time together without feeling overwhelmed by the planning process.

So, if you’re looking to kick off your summer with some quality family time, I highly recommend a visit to your local butterfly pavilion or museum. It’s a wonderful way to bond, learn, and create unforgettable memories. And who knows, you might just find a new family tradition in the making.

What are your favorite family activities? Have you had any memorable experiences that brought you closer together? I’d love to hear your stories and tips in the comments below!

Lauren Ficklin

🌸 Coach’s Wife, Girl Mom, Creative

✍🏽 Author + Brand Strategist

✨ Sharing Real-Life Moments & Branding Tips

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